Perfect Bound,
100 pages including covers an unbelieveable poetic value.
ISSN: 1083-6780
After 30 years of producing the top rate visual and poetry magazine LOST AND FOUND TIMES, John M. Bennett decided to end his reign and we here at Pavement Saw decided to help by throwing in for the last LAFT as a collaborative effort, JMB style.
Featuring visual works, transductions, prose, letters, short fictions, hacks, ladders and poems by people worth the loot, like
Al Ackerman
Reed Altmus
Ivan Argulles
Marcia Arrieta
Guy R. Beining
C. Merhl Bennett
John M. Bennett
Horny Stuck Gravy Blast
Alan Catlin
David Baptiste Chirot
Jon Cone
John Crouse
John Elsberg
Greg Evason
Ficus Strangulensis
Vernon Frazer
Jessica Freeman
Peter Gannick
John Grey
Bob Grumman
S. Gustav Hagglund
Scott Helmes
August Highland
Crag Hill
Geof Huth
Dale Jensen
Joan Payne Kincaid
Richard Kostelanetz
Jim Leftwich
Jeffrey Little
Carlos Luis
J. S. Murnet
Sheila E. Murphy
Simon Perchik
Ross Priddle
jOlly rOger
Serge Segay
Spencer Selby
Glans Led Sherman
Thomas Lowe Taylor
Kevin Thurston
Nico Vassilakis
Ian Randall Wilson
Rupert Wondoloski
and 20 to 30 others that I am too lazy to type up.