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Pavement Saw Press
PO Box 6291
Columbus OH 43206


Bloody Twin Publications

ISBN# 1886350302
Theodore Enslin
Music in the Key of C

ISBN# 1886350272
Tom Clark
Apocalyptic Talkshow

ISBN# 1886350353
Anne Waldman
Tell me about it: Poems for painters
Cover drawing by George Schneeman

ISBN# 1886350345
Steve Kowit

ISBN# 1886350361
Howard McCord
The Duke of Chemical Birds

ISBN# 1886350388
Christy Sheffield Sanford
Bride Thrashing Through History

ISBN# 1886350396
Christy Sheffield Sanford
The H's: Spasms of a requiem

ISBN# 1886350256
Skip Fox
ISBN# 1886350264
Skip Fox
Kabul Under Seige

ISBN# 1886350299
Carl Thayler
The Drivers (2nd Series)

ISBN# 1886350280
Brian Richards
Early Elegies

ISBN# 188635037X
Earl Butler
Zero Bonding

ISBN# 1886350337
Joel Lipman

ISBN# 1886350310
Gogisigi / Carroll Arnett

ISBN# 1886350329
Lynne Walker
Big Red Burns

Long Song Water Pond
New from Bloody Twin Press: July 1999
Handmade cover paper. Two-color handset type. Handsewn and bound.
Edition of 200. Thirty-two pages. Acid free, ivory art-paper inside.

The Contributors:

Tom Bridwell
Karen Driscoll
Stephen Ellis
Skip Fox
Brian Richards

A clustering of five writers with a heavy selection from each. Includes a renga written by Richards, Fox and Ellis. Prosework and poems in the new sentence.

Website discount: instead of $70
this title will cost $49 in US currency including shipping and insurance to all points even international

Bloody Twin Broadsides

Tom Clark
New Angel
Printed December 1986 by Bloody Twin Press

Three Poems, three fold folio, slight rag paper edge, two color handset type, includes raised illustration by Tom Clark of what looks to be Phillip Whalen in starry landscape. Limited edition. 5 left. No ISBN.

Good to frame, holds a mean coffee stain in monster truck speed.
$15 Checks payable to Pavement Saw Press


Howard McCord
It's Getting Dark
Printed March 1986 by Bloody Twin Press
One poem, letter press edition. On blue art paper. No illustration.
Bloody Twin Signature on back. Limited edition. No ISBN
$10. Checks payable to Pavement Saw Press