
A Run Of Letters

Poetry New York Press / Meeting Eyes Bindery, 1998.
28 pgs.
ISBN 0-923389-31-8

First Edition 300 copies, November 1998
5 1/4 by 8 3/16, perfect bound, white pages.

Second Edition 250 copies, February 1999.
5 3/8 by 8 5/16, perfect bound, ivory pages

A RUN OF LETTERS is just that, a run of 16 letters written by David Baratier (with the possible exception of one called from Janine) to various writer friends and colleagues. The letters are matter-of-fact in tone, treating subjects such as poetics, relationships, teaching, the past, oatmeal, vegetables, perspective. Memories not meant to last is what a given day pares down to. Or the day can pare down to memories and impressions etched into text, letters, for others to read.” -- Laura Moriarty


This out of print collection includes letters which first appeared in Quarter After Eight, Key Satch(el), Poetry New York, Riverwind, The Philadelphia Enquirer and others. All of these letters occur in paragraphs and were each mailed to the intended recipient before sent elsewhere and landing in this collection. All of these were reprinted in In It What’s in It.

Books By
David Baratier